Columbia Grove Community Playground

Summer 2024

Concrete Picnic Patio - June 24, 2024

Central Washington Asphalt completed our ground prep for the new picnic/seating area. The next day Jones Concrete poured, leveled, and shaped our new concrete slab.

Turf - May 15, 2024

Fall Pad - May 8, 2024

Fence Posts - April 30, 2024

Provided by Apple Vally Fence.

Playset - April 23, 2024

Built and installed by Bear's Playgrounds.

Retaining Wall - April 8, 2024

Vintage Valley LLC from Leavenworth, began installing our retaining wall and working to compact and level the playground surface.

Ground Broken - March 4, 2024

The existing fence, trees, and bushes were removed by a group of amazing church volunteers.

Playground Fundraiser - NOVEMBER 4, 2023

Thank you to everyone who contributed and attended our Harvest Moon Dinner Auction Fundraiser on November 4, 2023. As a result of your generosity the event has raised over:


This incredible number, combined with an extremely generous family's matching funds, means we will reach our first goal of $100,000 in funding!
The playground team had several stretch goals in mind including bathroom access, high-quality artificial playground turf, more playground obstacles, drinking fountains, a cafe, and full playground shading. With this over-the-top giving, and ongoing support from our community reaching out to donate their time and materials, we hope to be able to include several of our stretch goals in the finished grounds.

planning Begins - November 20, 2022 

The playground committee is formed and project planning begins.

Artist Playground Renditions

(Click an image to enlarge)
South Side of Columbia Grove Church
South Side of Columbia Grove Church
Playground Structure
Playground Structure
Playground Seating Area
Playground Seating Area
Playground Map
Playground Map

Current Funding


Our first fundraising goal was $100,000.
We have received a $68,000 grant & over $21,000 from the auction. This paired with matching funds and ongoing donations has put us at nearly $122,000 in funding!

We will be looking to incorporate several stretch goals that were not originally included in the $100,000 goal such as shades, drinking fountains, and more.